Friday, June 05, 2009

Stage 48 - Vilhelmina

I think I'm starting to get the hang of this running thing! I made good time today, and had very few problems with my feet, legs and back. I guess all this practice is beginning to pay off?

The day started calm and sunny (by the way, the local paper said that sunrise today was at 2:31am!), but Sweden no longer fools me, so I retained all my warm gear. I was right. Within twenty minutes, the sky had turned dark and the wind started to howl down from the north-east again. There were huge rains all around, but I was lucky and managed to miss a soaking. I ran all day in ski gloves and liners, ski hat, and many layers, and never broke a sweat. The positive thing about this unusual cold spell is that it's delaying the onset of mosquito season, a miserable time especially for me who seems particularly attractive to the little monsters.


dmmmit said...

was just reading in Running Times website about how to run in the rain. They didn't say anything about nearly 50 miles a day :)

I remember towards the end of Alan Brock's 900 mile run to Pike's Peak, everything got easier, and by the time he actually ran up the mountain, he felt fresh. Go get 'em, Russ!

Kami K. said...

“I think I'm starting to get the hang of this running thing!” made me chuckle! Are you a slow learner? :)

“especially for me who seems particularly attractive to the little monsters” made me chuckle more! I know the feeling as they like me too!

I am glad that your sense of humor has remained intact!



Tim Walker said...

Keep on trucking, Russ!

porkmuffin said...

Russell, you are a real inspiration! Despite the onset of vertigo (runs in the family) I have been getting my fat butt down to the local Jr. high school track and attempting to run. I can't even run one whole mile yet, but I'm workin' on it. All the very best from Texas and the Hoov, Paula