Our very own fjord tonight! But getting here was a brutal journey. It was 2 marathons plus 5 miles long, on weary legs. The narrow road had plenty of traffic, and rose and fell between sea level and 1000'. And lastly, it was bitterly cold - below freezing with windchill - and the headwind was horrendous. Thirteen hours I'm going to put in the "not fun" column, despite scenery that would've been superb on a sunny day.
But we're here. A salmon dinner was on hand as we finished, and with 2 stages of 50 and 28 miles left, optimism is high. I will be one happy camper on Sunday night.
A tough stage, but you are nearly there.
I’m trying to envision how you will appear as you cross the finishing line on the last day of the race.
With a plastic red nose? Funny hat? Union Jack shorts? A Silly Walk (may be unavoidable)?
Here’s the answer -- a modest gait and an unassuming smile.
“And where does the power come from, to see the race to its end? From within.” ---- per Eric Liddell’s character in Chariots of Fire (cue the Vangelis music and the slow-mos).
Well played, Russell. Well played.
Congratulations, you made the toughest leg. Now nothing can stop you. Well done, you will conquer the Transeurope race. Celebrate at North Cape.
Almost done!!! We are thiking of you and rooting you on. Looking forward to hearing stories and celebrating over a bowl of queso!
Lisa & Wendy
The race web site has this photo of your run today!!
brrrrrrr damn you look so cold...hope by now you have warmed up!
Love ya...just a few more days till you will be roastin' here in Austin with the rest of us!
Congratulations on your epic achievement (so far!) from your friends at HCTR here in Austin TX.
How crazy is it that you only have two legs left?
We're cheering you on...Go Russ. I'll be thinking about you during our own long run tomorrow (I'm doing 22).
I've greatly enjoyed reading your blog during your race. Wishing you strength and perseverance in the final two stages. Good luck and congratulations.
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