Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Stage 59 - Kautokeino

Finland's done, and now we're in Norway, our last country. Today was 51 miles of fierce, very cold northerly headwinds accompanied from time to time by heavy rain. Lucky for us it's summertime, eh? It was one of those "I just want to be done" days.

One thing I noticed when we got to Norway - no more pine trees, just sparse woods of silver birch. The landscape is becoming more mountainous and rugged as we move towards fjord country. Rivers are slowly taking the place of lakes in the scenery. I feel there are some hills ahead.

My "Bridget Jones Diary" moment for today: Wildlife - no reindeer, but one husky who ran 5 miles with me; Cigarettes - none; Alcohol - one alcohol-free beer to wash down my jar of pickled herring at the finish (protein, you know).

A slightly shorter 39-mile day tomorrow, followed by something of a gruesome "grand finale" of three days over 50 miles, before the 29-mile jog to the North Cape on Sunday. Feet don't fail me now!


Tim Walker said...

Norway at last! Keep it up, Russell!

Sadie J said...

Mmmm...Pickled Herring. I had the (good?) fortune of trying some last Wednesday for the first time. Go Russ! Funny Bridget Jones humor, btw, though I think her 'husky' would probably be about people company, not actual wildlife.

MW said...

mmmmm!!!! Sill!! Luv me some Sill!!

You are SUPERMAN, Russ!
Don't even doubt yourself. You really are SUPERMAN, and soon you'll reach your fortress of solitude up there in the frozen north pole! (wow, i'm so silly)

but one mile at a time, then one day at a time, my friend.
Can't wait for the parade in Austin!

Chris Barton said...

I love getting the good news and good spirits from you each day, Russell -- I'll share some pickled herring (metaphorical, of course) in your honor.

Val said...

Helllllooooooo, Norway! Be kind to our friend Russ.

I am channeling your adventurous spirit to try out a kayaking class tonight at Pure Austin.

Tom Beam said...

That husky part reminded me of Daisy. I wonder what ever happened to that dog. My guess is the locals ate it, since they didn't seem too fond of canines. She was probably pretty gamey though...

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on reaching the Finnish line. There are just a few more in Nor way before you're done. (What? Who groaned? Come on, he used "Lapp dancing"!)

Take care, Russ.


Unknown said...

Velkommen til Norge! I wish I were there to welcome you in person. I hope Norway treats you well! I am so amazed at how far you have run, it is mind blowing! You are so close, just keep putting one foot in front of the other and you'll be there in no time!

camgage said...

so close...so close.....so close....

Scott Mc said...

Pretend it's all downhill from here! Go Russ!

Claire said...

OMG OMG OMG.... the excitement is building!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Keep it going Russ. Whatever you are going through physically you are obviously still in great form mentally. Beanlands