Halfway back to the UK yesterday, I noticed that my ankles were starting to do an impersonation of water balloons, and my calves and ankles had once again merged to form "cankles" (see France 2005). By the time I landed in Heathrow, my socks had become as tight as sausage skins, and the pressure got more and more painful. It was a little tricky driving my stick shift rental car and trying to take off my socks simultaneously. I'm glad I don't have to run on them today.
By the way, one thing that many stage runners do is to cut down the front of every pair of socks, to relieve pressure on the front of the ankle. Part of my small but moving final ceremony before leaving Norway was to throw out all my many pairs of used, "restyled" shoes and socks. In the end, I opted to place them all discretely in a garbage can rather than cause a littering spectacle at the North Cape.
Salut Russell,
Now you need a last little update on the headline of your blog
P.S. Happilly for your "canckles" you had not to fly to Japan like some others. This is often the main problem when stopping. So, why stop ?
My guess is a protein imbalance...too little protein causing the fluid to leak into your tissues to even things out. I believe some high quality steak is in order!!
I agree with JB. As an editor, I see a check mark missing from this area: Trans Europe 2009 (starts April 19th). Sweet!
Congrats and take care of the after-race bod.
whaaat?! you should have kept them as mementos
This looks just like the first time I met you, Russ! Congratulations!! It has been a thrill to watch your journey - you are absolutely amazing.
YIKES!!!!!! Return of grandma legs. Looking forward to seeing you soon
I am soooo proud of you, Russell, as I know you are of yourself and this fantastic accomplishment. You've GOT to come back to Hoover's and share with us while you give you a big group hug. Well, actually, you've got to come back to Hoover's, period. We miss you.
Diane Lee
dang, as 'green' as I try to be, I was really looking forward to hearing about you flinging at least one pair off into the sea :)
Last time you came home with cankles, you ran one leg of the Fila Relays in Zilker the next weekend. I think all your friends and family have the shackles ready this time...
Wow, incredible. Congrats, I am happy that I can now say I knew and worked with this crazy guy that ran across Europe!
The bright side is that I see you still have all 10 toenails and only 2 black ones. Swelling goes down much faster than a toenail regrows.
Absolutely amazing, Russell!
Look forward to following your next adventure.
YOU DID IT!! Congratulations!! Now what is next? New York to Seattle?
That should be easy peezy for you :)
Hopefully you kept a pair of socks and shoes to look back on when you're 100 and thinking about all the crazy things you did in your youth! :) Congrats!!!
welcome back!
Huge respect Russ. It's been amazing following your journey. I'll buy you some of that protein your body has been craving when we next meet. A beer as well to encourage you to officially fall off the wagon! Congratulations. Gehan
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