Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Made it!

...actually in some style, as I was really hauling today, feeling great, & ended up finishing in the first few. My final ranking was 14th - coulda been top ten if I hadn't had fat feet for so many days. But so it goes.

Thanks again to family, friends & co-workers for the huge support, and to Diana, J-B & Jan for not letting me quit when I was down-and-out and desperately wanted to on Stage 8.

Oh, & by the way, did I mention?...I JUST RAN ACROSS GERMANY! Woohoo!


Claire said...

Never had any doubt!!! you and to Diana. Have your well earned beers, put those feet up, and enjoy a much needed rest.
See you soon, love Claire

elvissipa said...

WHOOOOOOO HOOOOOO!!! Congrats!!! Truly amazing. Now go take some vitamins to grow back all of those toe-nails and get some much deserved rest. What's the next country...Canada?

Anonymous said...


(This virtual, text-rich champagne toast is for you, Russell).

Well done.



Anonymous said...


- Rachel

Anonymous said...


Jennifer B.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


Congrats with hitting the finish line in good health!

Please take a beer on my account and don't forget to switch of the light ;-)

All the best

Amy said...

In the words of Vince Lombardi: "It is time for us all to stand and cheer for the doer, the achiever — the one who recognizes the challenge and does something about it.”

Helen Yang said...

Outstanding! You have proven to yourself and to all of us the incredible strength you have both physical and mental. Let the celebration begin! Can't wait to see pictures.

Now it's time for the R&R part of your vacation. : )

Take care and safe travels.

Chris Barton said...

I've seen some good news this week, but this is the best of all. Congrats, Russell!

chuckd said...

Congrats!! Russ. You rock!!

Have a beer, take a nap, and enjoy the moment.

See ya when you get back to Austin.

chuck & kristin

Anonymous said...

Way to go Russell! We're proud of you. Babrara

Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo!
Awesome Russell, you did fantastic. Now get some rest.


Chris Huston said...

Congrats on an amazing journey and feat (pardon the pun), Russell! Wish I could have seen that "Sound of Music" gorgeousness first hand. Maybe someday.

Dashed good show, man.

Chris H.

Zack said...

unbelievable dude. you're a major inspiration. congrats.

porkmuffin said...

wow! many congratulations on this amazing feat!

Anonymous said...

Way to go, Russell! High-five! Catherine

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS, Russell!!! You're an inspiration!

Wendy Pursch said...

Yeeeehaw! Congrats from your Texas fan base. Wow -- you are such an inspiration Russell! I don't think I can ever feel good about coming to your office to complain about a hard day again. Can't wait to have you back.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! An amazing accomplishment!

Unknown said...

Way to go, Russell! We are proud of you back home. "Gott in Himmel" that's a long way to run!!


Anonymous said...

Great job Russ!! I am so excited for you! Prop up your swollen limbs and knock back a few beers in celebration. We're excited to celebrate when you come home!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Russ to you and your fabulous crew! Simply amazing. I look forward to hearing all about your adventure in person. Have a safe trip home! - Ann

Texas Girl in London said...

That is Amazing!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats and Well Done!!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Russell!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats!! Savor the moment, relish the pain, begin the healing. Awesome job. -- Dave L.

MW said...

can't wait to see a picture or two dozen!

Anonymous said...

Never had any doubt. Congratulations, Russell!

Anonymous said...

Amazing accomplishment!



Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo!!! You are amazing! I'm so happy for you, especially since your feet felt better at the end. Bet they are feeling great now! Rest well and we'll see you back at the Hoov.

The Ogden's said...

Way to go Russell!
Great job!

Anonymous said...

So pleased for you.
Joy says "Hello and well done"
Everyone thinks you are quite amazing!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Awesome job Russell!
Dallas G

Anonymous said...

you are part beast part machine

Unknown said...

A toast to all the enthusiasts (read 'nuts') who enjoy running across countries. Congrats!

Perhaps you want to stick with close-toed shoes when you get back to the Hoov?


Anonymous said...

Congrats! You are truly amazing!

Enjoy your rest!


Anonymous said...

Russell and Diana, I have two words for you: WOO and HOO! I hope the finish was all the sweeter for having had to battle through a tough time. To quote Tom Hanks in A League of Their Own, "it's the hard that makes it good!" Way to go!

Anonymous said...

Westlake AP Physics C salutes you! We were checking out the blog every time we had a chance. An absolutely amazing feat! (No pun intended)

Rob L. said...

Gratulation! Ich gratuliere! Wir gratulieren!

Nicely done.

ant said...


Anonymous said...

Yeah Russell! I won't know what to do with my evenings now I'm no longer living vicariously through your adventures. So Canada - huh?

Anonymous said...

Hey Russel very very happy you made it!!! Very inspirational and admirable...till next time...

See you in the office!


Thats my boss!!!!

Cecilia said...


Anonymous said...

you're the man!


Anonymous said...

Hi Russell
That was the perfect finish you did envisage - well done. It was great pleasure to share some of the last stage with you. And please pass my thanks to Diana for the trip to the railway station - hope she did find the way back. Enjoy the last few days in Europe without running.
Christian the Swiss runner

Unknown said...

Fantastic news Russell and congratulations! It might be quite a while before I attempt anything quite so grand. I'm still in pain after the Moonlight Margarita Run you made me do LAST year!

In Austin now and loving it. We should catch up for a beer (or a SHORT run)

All the best,

quiet runner said...

Well, it is so cool that you just went out for an 'easy lauf'.

Awesome is too small a word, for both R and Diana.

Great job!!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! What an amazing accomplishment. You are an inspiration to all of us.

Safe travels home,
Lisa M.

Anonymous said...

YAY!!!! Great Job Russell! I knew you could do it!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Great job, and we look forward to seeing you back in Austin.

Anonymous said...

Hello Russell

Here is the "Best of Deutschlandlauf"

and here is an all pictures

Tibor in Hungary

Sai Machavarapu said...

Congrats Russell. Glad you didn't give up and made it all the way thru. Heal those legs.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations from Austin Runner on your run! We are also thrilled to inform you that you have been featured in our latest issue. You can find the article highlighting your trek across Germany in our September/October issue. It has been our pleasure to highlight you.

Lauren Stanat, Austin Runner

Anonymous said...

RS -- never had a doubt that you would do it -- too headstrong and determined not to.

Now enjoy that grandbaby and rest those fat, toenailless tootsies.

Can't wait to do lunch and see your pictures.


comfortably numb said...

Congratulations Russel! This is truly inspiring. Wishing you all the best for the 2009 run!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Russell! I've had a great time keeping track of you from Boston (but still part of your Texas fan base!). Congratulations on a truly amazing accomplishment!

Anonymous said...

Way to go! I don't think your feet look so fat. Speaking of beer, you need to track down some New Belgium Never Summer Ale. Specialty Brew. You earned it. Relax and recover!

Anonymous said...

Russell, you never cease to amaze me. I'm on a business trip, and Dan told me about the story in the Austin paper today. I emailed it and a story about you to my fellow wor team mates tonight. I can't even begin to tell you how proud I am to show them what's possible and how much an inspiration you are! If someone were to ask, "how's tricks", I'd say, "Russell's the trick'n-est guy I know! ~amy jo(hnson brotman) Cheers - you FREAKING ROCK!

tash said...

Well Done! An inspiration! Here's to a restful recovery - Tash Whitaker

JB said...

Après la France, l'Allemagne est dans la poche. Bravo l'ami pour cette 2è traversée réussie ! Content d'avoir pu te donner un tout petit coup de pouce dans cette délicate et difficle étape 8... Bon repos à toi et à Diana in the "Capital of Cool" où je viendrai un jour vous visiter.
Rendez-vous à Bari, Italy !
Best regards. JB.

Joelle, Dan, Finn, and Luke said...
