Thursday, September 20, 2007

A very tired me

Running two plus marathons in a day isn't easy - believe me! - especially on slopes that make Mt. Bonnell in Austin look flat. I'm wiped out. And in 6 short hours, I get to do it again.

Diana got me through some very tough times again today. I honestly don't think I'd have made it this far without her. Sometimes you just get lucky - the planets aligned.

So 6 hopefully not such tough days to go! Loerrach will be a wonderful sight.

Peace and love.


Anonymous said...

Well done Russell,

The finish line is in sight.



Anonymous said...

Hang in there. You are doing awesome!!

Lisa M.

Anonymous said...

amazing. j

Anonymous said...

"A lot of people run a race to see who's the fastest. I run to see who has the most guts."
Steve Prefontaine

You're definitely the guts man! Good job, RS.

Keep on, keeping on, you the man!

Beth (with all of those exclamation points you'd think I was in marketing)

Anonymous said...

Another day completed! Way to go! Great job! Catherine

Texas Girl in London said...

You're almost there!!!Yay!!! and doing such a great job!!!keep up the amazing work!

Claire said...

The hardest days are behind you...there is no stopping you now!! WooHoo..
A big thanks to Diana.

Love Claire

Helen Yang said...

You have come so far and fought through so much; there's no turning back now. Hang in there boss!

JohnF said...

Truly amazing!

Anonymous said...

Go Russ Go!!! Great job too Diana! - Ann

Anonymous said...

Fantastic Russell! Hang in there, you've got it!!! Just tell those feet and hands to be patient with you for a few more days.

Laurie Childers

Val said...

Welcome to the salt fan club!
Thank you for continuing to post these reports for us. While you may be unable to "float" as you like to with those big feet, I know you have slow, steady, and strong in you!

Haiku for downhill:

Pain, pain go away
let the salt heal Russell's limbs
float to the finish

Anonymous said...

Great job Russell! Thank you for continuing to update us; I have been reading daily. Sleep well!
Heather (Di's sister)

Anonymous said...

Keep going Grandpa!

Our game of pegs is so close now, I might even let you sit down to play this time!

Love Bunkie x x

Tim Walker said...

Russell -- Your laid-back demeanor notwithstanding, you rock like Led Zeppelin in their prime. Keep it up!

Tim W.

elvissipa said...

If it were easy -- we would all be there with you! Great work and keep on trucking...

camgage said...

Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.

Anonymous said...

I'm sending energy to you several times a day Russ.

My vision is you crossing that finish line with all those tired expectations crumbling to dust.

Not our expectations. Your expectations, your fear, your pain, your weakness.

You own that race!

Anonymous said...

Russ, You give a whole new meaning to the saying "life is a journey." :) Great job by both you and Diana!