Thursday, July 29, 2010

RUSS done

We made it to Karlshagen today with plenty of time to spare. We're now officially at the Baltic coast! 325km (200 odd miles) in 5 days - Claire's longest ever running week. And her longest single run - 45 miles. It was great supporting her through the final four days. Party tonight, then bus back to Berlin early tomorrow morning. The race organization was impeccable, as was Leah's tireless crewing by bike. We seriously would not have made it without them all.


paradox players said...

Congrats, you two! Claire, I'm in awe! You both rock!

paradox players said...

That last message was from Ashley Edwards

chuckd said...

Congrats Russ and Claire!!

Sam Jennings said...

Is this the same Russ and Claire who I stayed with for the Summer of 1987 and looked after your little girl 23 years ago?! I remember you were training for triathalons then and I was just about keeping up on the bike when you were running, Russ! Love to all. Samx