Two very hilly days of Étoile Savoyarde done. The weather - and thus the scenery - has been spectacular. My legs have held up excellently, due in large part to my slothful yet sensible pacing. Stage 1's 55km took me 6hr45. Today's longer, hillier 65km Stage 2 required 8hr13. But that's all good, as I "only" have a modestly steep 55km tomorrow.
Having Claire here as my soigneuse has been a treat. She does a 25km run each morning, after waving us off. Then she gets the gîte in order and well provisioned, before returning to the race HQ, and meeting me at the finish. Very much appreciated, as she feeds me milk & protein powder, plus beer and a late lunch.
The atmosphere here in the village of Myans is delightful. All forty or so runners are courteous and friendly. The family who organise the race - the Codets - are charming and hospitable. It is a privilege to be here again.