Hmmm...$100 sneakers vs. $250K boat, and with (hopefully) less puking and danger of drowning. Happy to be a landlubber.
Location:Town Quay,Cowes,United Kingdom
Ultrarunner | Transe Gaule 2005, Deutschlandlauf 2007, Trans Europe 2009, Baltic Run 2010, M2M Ireland 2011, Ultra Trace St Jacques 2012, Orléans-Océan 2012 and 2013, Étoile Savoyarde 2014 and 2016
Location:Town Quay,Cowes,United Kingdom
Isle of Wight weather has recently been wretched, with rain and high winds dominating. With eight days still to go, things will hopefully turn around. After some weeks of training in the Texas heat, we hope to enjoy more sensible highs in the 60Fs.
Cowes is famous for yacht racing, and we expect to see some wonderful yachty sights off to our left as we circumnavigate the island in a clockwise direction. My last visit to the Isle of Wight was by bike; I remember little except for squally rain, thick fog and pub lunches with my Beaconsfield biker friends.