Not so long ago, I didn't have much planned. Now quickly the famine has turned into a feast. Three weeks ago I ran a rather uncomfortable 50K here in Tulsa, along the Arkansas River, but it was a good conditioning run and suffering reminder. Next weekend will be the Post Oak Lodge races held on the beautiful Osage reservation north of Tulsa. The race is now in its third year, and I've "doubled" each year - my only ever running streak! This year I've opted for the 10K and Marathon. Trail races always beat me up badly; I always seem to (a) fall painfully and (b) twist at least one ankle. But no whining - it's a great low-key event well managed by my friend Johnny Spriggs.
In March, I'm running another trail-y marathon, this time in Eastbourne, England. After the race, I'm one of the guest speakers at the Endurancelife Live More lectures. The pressure is on to do well, as this will be in front of a paying audience of experienced running Brits. I'm looking forward to it a lot. Then in April, I get to spend two fascinating weeks following the ancient St Jacques pilgrim route in France from Le Puy en Velay to the Pyrenees. In June, Claire, Leah and I are running a two-day stage race around the Isle of Wight.
And then in August I plan to run across Denmark (north to south) - the first week of the 2012 Trans Europe Footrace. Some days I rue terribly my decision to skip running the entire race which this year leads all the way to Gibraltar, via Denmark, Germany, France and Spain. But I know that avoiding the physical damage of a second trancontinental run is the smart thing for me to do. It helps rationalize my decision when I remind myself of the torment of those dreaded daily 4 a.m. wake-up calls. Oooh, flashback...
Location:Tulsa, OK, USA